15 Best Tucson Blogs and Websites in 2025 (Tucson, Arizona)
Tucson Blogs
Here are 15 Best Tucson Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Tucson Weekly
Blog https://www.tucsonweekly.com/ + Follow Blog
The Tucson Weekly is the Tucson news source that matters. Politics, culture, arts, music, food and everything else that makes our city great in print and online.
Email ****@tucsonlocalmedia.com
Facebook Followers 41.7KTwitter Followers 57.3KInstagram Followers 15.4K Domain Authority 68 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Tucson Foodie | Tucson's Best Restaurants. Covered Daily
Blog https://tucsonfoodie.com/ + Follow Blog
Tucson Foodie is dedicated to providing opinions, reviews and information on a wide variety of topics relating to food, dishes, recipes, restaurants, reviews, bakeries, cafés, sustainability, farming, CSAs, composting, the local food movement, gardening, events, and more in Tucson, Arizona.MORE Email ****@tucsonfoodie.com
Facebook Followers 77.2KTwitter Followers 19.4KInstagram Followers 116.7K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Gay Tucson Your Online Resource | Gay Bars, Real Estate Agents, Events
Blog https://gaytucson.com/ + Follow Blog
Gay Tucson is the #1 Gay Resource for the GLBT community in Tucson, AZ. It provides information about the LGBT and LBGTQ community in Tucson including, gay bars, gay hotels, gay owned / gay friendly restaurants and businesses, a calendar of events, gay pride, gay news, home loans and all that Tucson has to offer the LGBT community and our friends.MORE Email ****@gaytucson.com
Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 76 Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Jackie's Happy Plate
Blog https://recipes.jackiealpers.com/popular-reci.. + Follow Blog
Covers recipes, food photography and creative cooking ideas from Jackie Alpers.
Email ****@jackiealpers.com
Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 21.1K Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Curated by Kirsten
Blog https://www.curatedbykirsten.com/ + Follow Blog
A lifestyle blog focusing on food, fashion, and travel written by a millennial with a global perspective. Follow along for travel itineraries, fashion inspiration, and delicious recipes on a budget. Kirsten is a part-time blogger and full-time accountant. Kirsten started 'this' blog back in 2013, when she was procrastinating studying for finals in her freshman year of college.MORE Email ****@curatedbykirsten.com
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 882Instagram Followers 13.7K Since May 2014 Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. BizTucson
Blog https://biztucson.com/ + Follow Blog
BizTucson is a business magazine that covers the Tucson, Arizona region. It provides news, features, and profiles of businesses and entrepreneurs in the area. The magazine also hosts events and awards programs to recognize the achievements of local businesses.MORE Email ****@biztucson.com
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 1.3K Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. TucsonStage Blog
Blog http://tucsonstage.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
The Tucson Theatre Announcements List is a monitored e-mail list. Notices from Tucson area theatre companies, filmmakers and others are forwarded to the list members. These notices include auditions, casting calls, openings and other announcements of interest to actors, directors, techies and theatre lovers in our community.MORE Twitter Followers 754 Since Jul 2005 Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. EZ Move Tucson News | Read Tucson Moving Tips & Tricks
Blog https://e-zmoveonline.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
E-Z Move has offered leading moving services in the greater Tucson area since 1999. Read our Tucson Movers blog for the latest tips and tricks on preparing for your local, long distance, commercial, or other moving need.MORE Email ****@ezmoveonline.com
Facebook Followers 773Twitter Followers 10 Since Jun 2014 Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Happily Pink
Blog https://www.happilypink.com/ + Follow Blog
Your guide to all things travel, food and lifestyle related! The main goal of Happily Pink has always been to encourage others to seek out what makes them happiest in life.
Email ****@happilypink.com
Facebook Followers 679Instagram Followers 23.7K Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Food My Muse
Blog https://foodmymuse.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Nadia Aidi. I live in Tucson, AZ and I created Food My Muse to give you a glimpse into my food-centered life and share my (many) thoughts with you. In this blog you'll find recipes that I create, cooking tips as well as getting to see the world from my perspective. I am super passionate about communicating my passion for food & cooking as well as living a truly balanced lifestyle.MORE Email ****@foodmymuse.com
Facebook Followers 121.8KTwitter Followers 17Instagram Followers 855.6K Since Jul 2017 Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. My Tucson Movers Blog | Your Moving Solution
Blog https://www.mytucsonmovers.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Planning a local, long-distance, or commercial move? The moving experts at My Tucson Movers are ready to help you! The Tucson moving company that will have the answers for all your moving needs! Whether you are moving around Tucson and Southern Arizona, or across the country, we've got your covered from packaging materials to furniture moving.MORE Email ****@mytucsonmovers.com
Facebook Followers 71Twitter Followers 113 Since Jan 2015 Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Sustainable Living Tucson
Blog http://www.sustainablelivingtucson.com/ + Follow Blog
We created this blog to promote sustainability in our home town of Tucson. We will be sharing our adventures in sustainable living and what we learn about water harvesting, heritage farming, native seeds, seed libraries, farmers markets, local produce, desert gardening. Our goal is to create awareness of the many ways to implement sustainability into our everyday life, and share the resources to help us do that. To help inspire Tucson adapt to a more sustainable lifestyle.MORE Facebook Followers 601Twitter Followers 170 Since Feb 2016 Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Zona Girl Magazine
Blog https://zonagirlmag.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Tara Kirkpatrick. I'm a Southwest-based freelance writer and amateur fashion illustrator who loves to focus on fashion, style, and inspiring people. A former Associated Press reporter, my work has appeared in national newspapers, online publications, and regional magazines, but this little blog is my forever labor of love.MORE Since Sep 2016 Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Bob's World Blog
Blog https://bobdiaz.net/bobs-blog/ + Follow Blog
Bob's World Blog consists of a variety of blog posts related to my work as a librarian and archivist, as well as my life as a native Tucsonan. I regularly include posts about music, local events and topics related to libraries and archives.MORE Email ****@cox.net
Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Downtown Tucson Partnership | Downtown's premier event and entertainment resource!
Blog https://downtowntucson.org/ + Follow Blog
Downtown Tucson is a Downtown for everyone an eclectic, beautiful, fun, accessible, pedestrian and bike-friendly district that embraces diversity. It is the Southwest's premier urban hub for living, dining, retail, business, art, entertainment, and both historic and contemporary architecture.MORE Email ****@downtowntucson.org
Facebook Followers 50.3KTwitter Followers 23.7KInstagram Followers 79.6K Domain Authority 47 Read Now Get Email Contact
Tucson Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Christina Fuoco-Karasinski | Executive Editor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Tyler Vondrak | Associate Publisher | tucsonweekly.com | |
Kirsten Ortez | Author | curatedbykirsten.com | |
Mark Whittaker | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Tucson Foodie | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Shane Reiser | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Edie Jarolim | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Dan Savage | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Katya Mendoza | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Tom Danehy | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Hope Peters | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Summer Aguirre | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Luke Hertel | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Linda Ray | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Xavier Omar Otero | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Mia Smitt | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Laura Latzko | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Matt Sterner | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Rita Connelly | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Jackie Alpers | Contributor | jackieshappyplate.com | |
Jana Segal | Contributor | sustainablelivingtucson.com | |
Jessie Mance | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Addie Ibarra | Contributor | tucsonfoodie.com | |
Editor: Tara Kirkpatrick | Contributor | zonagirlmag.com | |
Bridgette M. Redman | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Karen Schaffner | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Brian Smith | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Connor Dziawura | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Veronica Kuffel | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Evan Maharry | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Special To Tucson Weekly | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Margaret Regan | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Josh Ortega | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Jimmy Magahern | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Annika Tomlin | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Norml | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Tucson Weekly Contributor | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
L. Kent Wolgamott | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Jennifer Schwegman | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Dave Gil De Rubio | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Thomas Crone | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Eva Halvax | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Jacinda Palomo | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Jordan Rogers | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Alex Gallagher | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Jack Miessner | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Aari Ruben | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Tiffany Kjos | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Sullivan Maley | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com | |
Valerie Vinyard | Contributor | tucsonweekly.com |