Top 45 Infectious Diseases Journals
Infectious Diseases Journals
Here are 45 Best Infectious Diseases Journals you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. NEJM Journal Watch: Infectious Diseases
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NEJM Journal Watch reviews over 250 scientific and medical journals to present important clinical research findings and insightful commentary.
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2. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
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Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology is a leading specialty journal, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research across all pathogenic microorganisms and their interaction with their hosts.MORE Facebook Followers 160.4KTwitter Followers 94.2KInstagram Followers 31.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases - Current Issue
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With its easy-to-digest reviews on important advances in world literature, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases offers expert evaluation on a wide range of topics from eleven key disciplines, including HIV infections and AIDS, skin and soft tissue infections, and respiratory infections. Published bimonthly, each issue covers in detail the most pertinent advances in these fields from the previous year. Every issue also contains annotated references detailing the merits of the most important papers.MORE Facebook Followers 32.8KTwitter Followers 630 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. BMC » Infectious Diseases of Poverty
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Infectious Diseases of Poverty is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing topic areas and methods that address essential public health questions relating to infectious diseases of poverty. These include various aspects of the biology of pathogens and vectors, diagnosis and detection, treatment and case management, epidemiology and modeling, zoonotic hosts and animal reservoirs, control strategies and implementation, and new technologies and applications.MORE Facebook Followers 97.9KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Infection and Drug Resistance
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An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on the optimal treatment of infection (bacterial, fungal, and viral) and the development and institution of preventative strategies to minimize the development and spread of resistance. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).MORE Facebook Followers 17.1KTwitter Followers 3.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
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Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (ISSN 2414-6366) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of tropical medicine and infectious disease published quarterly online by MDPI. It is the official journal of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (ACTM) and its Joint Faculties of Travel Medicine and Expedition and Wilderness Medicine.MORE Facebook Followers 72.8KTwitter Followers 40.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
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Transboundary and Emerging Diseases bring together in one place the latest research on infectious diseases considered to hold the greatest economic threat to animals and humans worldwide. The journal provides a venue for global research on their diagnosis, prevention, and management, and for papers on public health, pathogenesis, epidemiology, statistical modeling, diagnostics, biosecurity issues, genomics, vaccine development, and rapid communication of new outbreaks.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
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Emerging Infectious Diseases, open access, peer reviewed journal published monthly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, promotes the recognition of new and reemerging infectious diseases around the world and improves the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination.MORE Facebook Followers 4.2MTwitter Followers 5.5MInstagram Followers 2.6M Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Transplant Infectious Disease
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Transplant Infectious Disease is a forum for presenting the most current information on the prevention and treatment of infection complicating organ and bone marrow transplantation. The point of view of the journal is that infection and allograft rejection (or graft-versus-host disease) are closely intertwined, and that advances in one area will have immediate consequences on the other.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
10. BMC Infectious Diseases
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BMC Infectious Diseases is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases in humans, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.MORE Facebook Followers 97.9KTwitter Followers 21K Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
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The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is a peer-reviewed medical journal publishing articles in the field of child infectious diseases. The journal provides an in-depth update on new subjects and current comprehensive coverage of the latest techniques used in diagnosis and treatment of childhood infectious diseases.MORE Twitter Followers 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Microbes and Infectious Diseases
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Microbes and Infectious Diseases is open access, a quarterly, double-blinded peer-reviewed medical journal. It publishes high-quality clinical and basic medical research and other relevant manuscripts that relate to all fields of Medical/clinical Microbiology and infectious diseases. The journal will consider for publication manuscripts from any part of the world but particularly reports that would be of interest to readers in the Middle East or other parts of Africa and Asia.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Infectious Diseases
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Infectious Diseases publishes international research on all aspects of human infections including pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases.
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14. Infectious Disease Reports
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Infectious Disease Reports (ISSN 2036-7449) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed open access journal on infectious diseases published quarterly online by MDPI.
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15. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
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The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries (JIDC) is an international journal, intended for the publication of scientific articles from Developing Countries by scientists from Developing Countries. JIDC is an independent, online publication with an international editorial board.MORE Facebook Followers 5.6KTwitter Followers 525 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Clinical Infectious Diseases
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Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) is a leading journal in the field of infectious disease with a broad international readership. The Journal publishes articles on a variety of subjects of interest to practitioners and researchers. Topics range from clinical descriptions of infections, public health, microbiology, and immunology to the prevention of infection, the evaluation of current and novel treatments, and the promotion of optimal practices for diagnosis and treatment.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 49.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Epidemiology & Infection
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Epidemiology and Infection is a fully open access journal publishing original reports and reviews on all aspects of infection in humans and animals. Particular emphasis is given to the epidemiology, prevention, and control of infectious diseases. The field covered is broad and includes the zoonoses, tropical infections, food hygiene, vaccine studies, statistics, and the clinical, social, and public health aspects of infectious disease.MORE Facebook Followers 17KTwitter Followers 18.5K Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Sexually Transmitted Infections
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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) aims to keep practitioners, trainees and researchers up to date in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all STIs and HIV. The journal publishes original research, descriptive epidemiology, evidence-based reviews and comment on the clinical, public health, translational, sociological and laboratory aspects of sexual health from around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 11.4KTwitter Followers 6.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice - Current Issue
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Medical professionals seeking an infectious diseases journal with true clinical value need to look no further than Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. Here, clinicians can get full coverage consolidated into one resource, with pertinent new developments presented in a way that makes them easy to apply to patient care. From HIV care delivery to Hepatitis C virus testing travel and tropical medicine and infection surveillance, prevention, and control, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice delivers the vital information needed to optimally prevent and treat infectious diseases.MORE Facebook Followers 32.8KTwitter Followers 93 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. American Journal of Infectious Diseases
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American Journal of Infectious Diseases dedicated to publishing articles for diseases resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3KTwitter Followers 182 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease
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Immunity, Inflammation and Disease is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal providing rapid publication of research across the broad field of immunology.
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22. American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
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American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of Infectious diseases and microbiology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of infectious diseases and microbiology.MORE Twitter Followers 185 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. Infectious Agents and Cancer
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Infectious Agents and Cancer is open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of basic, clinical, epidemiological, and translational research providing an insight into the association between chronic infections and cancer.MORE Facebook Followers 97.9KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
24. American Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
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American Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that welcomes high-quality research articles in all aspects of epidemiology and infectious disease.MORE Twitter Followers 185 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology
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Infection Ecology & Epidemiology is an open-access journal that focuses on the complexity of zoonotic infections, their prevention, and cure. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology is published in cooperation with The Infection Ecology and Epidemiology Network (IEE). The IEE network was founded in 2010 by Uppsala University in collaboration with the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and Linnaeus University. The journal also shares an affiliation with One Health Sweden.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 42K Read Now Get Email Contact
26. Infection & Chemotherapy
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Infection & Chemotherapy (Infect Chemother) is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal in English, which publishes the current research on issues posed by infectious diseases worldwide. It publishes review articles, original articles, brief communications, correspondences, case reports, editorials, and special articles covering an extensive range of clinical descriptions on infectious diseases, public health issues, etc.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
27. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control
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Infection prevention and control are involved in the complete spectrum of medical treatment, diagnostics, and preventive aspects. Specifically, healthcare-associated infections are a global challenge for the 21st century. The journal 'GMS Hygiene and Infection Control'' is designed to foster both understanding and practice in the field of infection control with the focus on the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and related aspects of hospital hygiene.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
28. BMC | Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control
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Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control is a global forum for all those working on the prevention of healthcare-associated infections, and of antimicrobial resistance development in both health-care settings and the community. The journal welcomes a broad spectrum of article types including original research, reviews, guidelines, and commentaries with the aim of promoting innovative and evidence-based practices in the field of infection control that reduce the burden of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance.MORE Facebook Followers 97.9KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
29. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
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Case Reports in Infectious Diseases publishes case reports and case series related to infectious diseases of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin.
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30. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
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Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to infectious diseases of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin.MORE Facebook Followers 10K Read Now Get Email Contact
31. Current Infectious Disease Reports
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Current Infectious Disease Reports provides in-depth review articles contributed by international experts on the most significant developments in the field. By presenting clear, insightful, balanced reviews that emphasize recently published papers of major importance, the journal elucidates current and emerging approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of infectious disease.MORE Twitter Followers 80.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
32. GMS Infectious Diseases
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GMS Infectious Diseases (GMS ID) is an e-journal edited by the Paul-Ehrlich-Society for Chemotherapy. GMS ID offers open access to peer-reviewed articles in the fields related to epidemiology, diagnosis, pathogenesis, prophylaxis, and therapy of infectious diseases.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
33. Clinical Microbiology and Infection
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Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) is a monthly publication in English of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and publishes peer-reviewed papers that present basic and applied research relevant to therapy and diagnostics in the fields of microbiology, infectious diseases, virology, parasitology, immunology and epidemiology.MORE Facebook Followers 896Twitter Followers 8.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
34. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases
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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of infectious diseases.
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35. Infectious Diseases and Therapy
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Infectious Diseases and Therapy is international, open access, peer-reviewed, rapid-publication journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality clinical (all phases), observational, real-world, and health outcomes research around the discovery, development, and use of infectious disease therapies and interventions, including vaccines and devices. Studies relating to diagnostic products and diagnosis, pharmacoeconomics, public health, epidemiology, quality of life, and patient care, management, and education are also encouraged.MORE Twitter Followers 80.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
36. The Open Infectious Diseases Journal
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The Open Infectious Diseases Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes both original full-length and short research articles in all important areas of infectious diseases. It covers clinical, preclinical, and experimental infectious diseases. research, discovery, development, and use of infectious disease therapies and interventions, including bacterial and fungal infections, viral infections (including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis), parasitological diseases, tuberculosis, and other mycobacterial diseases.MORE Twitter Followers 502 Read Now Get Email Contact
37. Infection and Immunity
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Infection and Immunity® (IAI) reports key discoveries that help microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, pathologists, and clinicians to gain new insights into the underlying mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions and develop novel strategies to prevent or treat infectious diseases.MORE Facebook Followers 398.3KTwitter Followers 91.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
38. ACS Infectious Diseases
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ACS Infectious Diseases is the first journal to highlight chemistry and its role in the multidisciplinary and collaborative field of infectious disease research. The scope of the journal encompasses all aspects of chemistry relating to infectious diseases research including research on pathogens, host-pathogen interactions, therapeutics, diagnostics, vaccines, drug-delivery systems, and other biomedical technology development pertaining to infectious diseases.MORE Facebook Followers 46.2KTwitter Followers 61.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
39. Emerging Microbes & Infections
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Emerging Microbes & Infections publishes research related to emerging infectious diseases, including epidemic surveillance, drug discovery, and vaccine development.
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40. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases
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Journal of Global Infectious Diseases (JGID) is an international peer-reviewed journal is affiliated with INDUSEM and OPUS 12 Foundation, Inc. The mission of JGID is to promote and publish infectious diseases research in areas of basic sciences, clinical medicine, and public health.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
41. Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment
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Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that focuses on all aspects of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases in humans, including research, prevention, immunization, diagnosis, management, and treatment. Relevant pathophysiology, genetics, and epidemiology are also included. The journal welcomes unsolicited article proposals. All articles are listed on PubMed and are freely available via PubMed Central.MORE Facebook Followers 15.2KTwitter Followers 13.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
42. Infectious Diseases and Clinical Research
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The Global Journal of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Research is a peer-reviewed, global journal that publishes original research, reviews, and case studies on infectious diseases. We encourage research on infectious diseases that remain, key agents of poverty and social inequity of the majority world, today. We have a diverse, multidisciplinary, and international editorial board that aims to facilitate publications on infectious diseases that reflect a global view on the burden of diseases and disability.MORE Facebook Followers 232Twitter Followers 308 Read Now Get Email Contact
43. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
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Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection, launched in 1968, is the official bi-monthly publication. The journal is an open-access journal, committed to disseminating information on the latest trends and advances in microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases, and parasitology.MORE Facebook Followers 185.5KTwitter Followers 79.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
44. International Journal of Infectious Diseases
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The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) is published monthly by the International Society for Infectious Diseases. IJID is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal and publishes original clinical and laboratory-based research, together with reports of clinical trials, reviews, and some case reports dealing with the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and control of infectious diseases with particular emphasis placed on those diseases that are most common in under-resourced countries.MORE Facebook Followers 185.5KTwitter Followers 79.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
45. World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases
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World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases (WJCID, World J Clin Infect Dis) is a high-quality, online, open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Baishideng Publishing Group (BPG).MORE Twitter Followers 71 Read Now Get Email Contact