Top 70 Genetics Journals
Genetics Journals
Here are 70 Best Genetics Journals you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Frontiers in Genetics
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Frontiers in Genetics publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research on genes and genomes relating to all the domains of life, from humans to plants, livestock and other model organisms.
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2. Clinical Genetics
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Clinical Genetics links research to the clinic, translating advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of genetic disease for the practicing clinical geneticist. The journal publishes high-quality research papers, short reports, reviews, and mini-reviews that connect medical genetics research with clinical practice.MORE Twitter Followers 413 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Genes
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Genes (ISSN 2073-4425; CODEN: GENEG9) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of genetics and genomics published monthly online by MDPI. The Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) is affiliated with Genes and their members receive discounts on the article processing charges.MORE Facebook Followers 73.1KTwitter Followers 2K Read Now Get Email Contact
4. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
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The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A (AJMG) gives you continuous coverage of all biological and medical aspects of genetic disorders and birth defects, as well as in-depth documentation of phenotype analysis within the current context of genotype/phenotype correlations.MORE Twitter Followers 2.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Genes to Cells
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Genes to Cells provides an international forum for the publication of papers that provide conceptual advances in the understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying biological events.
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6. Oncogene
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Oncogene is one of the world's leading cancer journals. It is published weekly and covers all aspects of the structure and function of Oncogenes. Oncogene also publishes 8 Review issues a year, on a broad range of topics.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 157.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
7. PLOS Genetics
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PLOS Open-Access Journal about Genetics and genomics research. PLOS Genetics features outstanding primary research articles, occasional Editorials, engaging Interviews, and Formal Comments, Viewpoints, Perspectives, and Reviews by invitation.MORE Facebook Followers 99.6KTwitter Followers 160.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine
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Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of quality research related to the dynamically developing areas of human, molecular, and medical genetics. The journal publishes original research articles covering findings in phenotypic, molecular, biological, and genomic aspects of genomic variation, inherited disorders, and birth defects. The broad publishing spectrum of Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine includes rare and common disorders from diagnosis to treatment.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
9. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
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Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Part B of the American Journal of Medical Genetics (AJMG), provides a forum for experimental and clinical investigations of the genetic, epigenetic, and protein signaling mechanisms underlying neurologic and psychiatric disorders.MORE Twitter Followers 110 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Journal of Genetic Counseling
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The Journal of Genetic Counseling (JOGC), published by the National Society of Genetic Counselors, is a timely, international forum addressing all aspects of the discipline and practice of genetic counseling. The journal focuses on the critical questions and problems that arise at the interface between rapidly advancing technological developments and the concerns of individuals and communities at genetic risk.MORE Twitter Followers 14.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Gene Therapy
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Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of novel therapeutic techniques based on a genetic component. Over the last few decades, significant advances in technologies ranging from identifying novel genetic targets that cause disease through to clinical studies, which show therapeutic benefit, have elevated this multidisciplinary field to the forefront of modern medicine.MORE Twitter Followers 2.6M Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Human Mutation
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Human Mutation is a peer-reviewed journal that offers publication of original Research Articles, Methods, Mutation Updates, Reviews, Database Articles, Rapid Communications, and Letters on broad aspects of mutation research in humans. Reports of novel DNA variations and their phenotypic consequences, reports of SNPs demonstrated as valuable for genomic analysis, descriptions of new molecular detection methods, and novel approaches to clinical diagnosis are welcomed.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer
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Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer will offer rapid publication of original full-length research articles, perspectives, reviews, and letters to the editors on genetic analysis as related to the study of neoplasia. The main scope of the journal is to communicate new insights into the etiology and/or pathogenesis of neoplasia, as well as molecular and cellular findings of relevance for the management of cancer patients.MORE Twitter Followers 2.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Global Medical Genetics
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Global Medical Genetics is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high-quality, original papers in the field of genetics. We publish the following article types: original research articles, reviews, editorials, letters, and conference reports.MORE Twitter Followers 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Animal Genetics
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Animal Genetics reports frontline research on immunogenetics, molecular genetics, and functional genomics of economically important and domesticated animals. Publications include the study of variability at gene and protein levels, mapping of genes, traits, and QTLs, associations between genes and traits, genetic diversity, and characterization of a gene or protein expression and control related to phenotypic or genetic variation.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
16. BMC Genomics
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BMC Genomics is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, and proteomics.
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17. BMC Medical Genomics
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BMC Medical Genomics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of functional genetics and genomics, genome structure, genome-scale population genetics, epigenetics and epigenomics, proteomics, systems analysis, and pharmacogenomics in relation to human health and disease.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Genetic Epidemiology
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Genetic Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed journal for discussion of research on the genetic causes of the distribution of human traits in families and populations. Emphasis is placed on the relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to human disease as revealed by genetic, epidemiological, and biologic investigations.MORE Twitter Followers 2.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Clinical Epigenetics
Publication https://clinicalepigeneticsjournal.biomedcent.. + Follow
Encompassing the broad spectrum of epigenetics research from basic research to innovations in therapeutic treatments, Clinical Epigenetics is a top tier, open-access journal devoted to the study of epigenetic principles and mechanisms as applied to human development, disease, diagnosis, and treatment. The journal particularly welcomes submissions involving clinical trials, translational research, new and innovative methodologies, and model organisms providing mechanistic insights.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Since Mar 2015 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. The Application of Clinical Genetics
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An international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that welcomes laboratory and clinical findings in the field of human genetics. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).MORE Facebook Followers 17.1KTwitter Followers 3.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
21. Genome Medicine
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Genome Medicine is an open-access journal publishing outstanding research in the application of genetics, genomics, and multi-omics to understand, diagnose and treat disease, bridging the basic science and clinical research communities. Our publication policy combines selection for broad interest and importance with a commitment to serving authors well.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 25.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics
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The journal publishes original articles by international scientists on genomic selection, and any other topic related to breeding programs, selection, quantitative genetic, genomics, diversity, and evolution of domestic animals. Researchers, teachers, and the animal breeding industry will find the reports of interest.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
23. Journal of Medical Genetics
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Journal of Medical Genetics is a leading international peer-reviewed journal covering original research in human genetics, including reviews of and opinions on the latest developments. Articles cover the molecular basis of human disease including germline cancer genetics, clinical manifestations of genetic disorders, applications of molecular genetics to medical practice, and the systematic evaluation of such applications worldwide.MORE Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 2.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Annals of Human Genetics
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The Annals of Human Genetics is an international journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research. The principal aim of the Annals is to increase understanding of the causes and consequences of human genetic variation, particularly in relation to health, disease and evolution.MORE Twitter Followers 424 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Genetics Selection Evolution
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Genetics Selection Evolution is open access, peer-reviewed, an online journal dedicated to original research on all aspects of genetics and selection in farm animal species and in other species that provide novel and/or relevant insights into the genetics of farm animals.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
26. Taylor & Francis Online » New Genetics and Society
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Here you can browse the list of issues and latest articles from New Genetics and Society. New Genetics and Society publishes papers on the social aspects of the new genetics, including gene editing, genomics, proteomics, epigenetics and systems biology; and the rapidly developing biosciences such as biomedical and reproductive therapies and technologies, xenotransplantation, stem cell research and neuroscience.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 42K Read Now Get Email Contact
27. The Pharmacogenomics Journal
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The Pharmacogenomics Journal is a print and electronic journal, which is dedicated to the rapid publication of original research on pharmacogenomics and its clinical applications.
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28. Advanced Genetics
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Advanced Genetics (formerly Genetics & Genomics Next) is an Open Research journal from Wiley, published online using the CC BY 4.0 open attribution license to encourage maximum credit and rapid creative reuse of all scholarly work. We are delighted to receive original research Articles, Reviews, Resources, Analysis and Perspectives in the areas of human, animal, plant, and microbial genetics, genomics, and epigenomics selecting those reports for peer review that we judge editorially to have the highest research utility, ethical standards, and societal impact.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
29. Twin Research and Human Genetics
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Twin Research communicates the results of original research covering the broad spectrum of multiple birth research. It also provides timely state-of-the-art reviews on all aspects of twin studies. Topics covered in the journal include behavioral genetics, complex diseases, endocrinology, foetal pathology, genetics, obstetrics, paediatrics, and psychiatric genetics.MORE Facebook Followers 17KTwitter Followers 212 Read Now Get Email Contact
30. Mobile DNA
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Mobile DNA is an online, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes articles providing novel insights into the function, biological impact, and evolution of transposable elements in any organism. Topics related to transposable elements may include genetic or epigenetic variation, genome rearrangements, mechanisms, patterns and processes of transposition, and the role of mobile elements in host genome evolution.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 2.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
31. Epigenetics
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Epigenetics publishes international research into heritable changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than the modification of the DNA sequence. The aim of Epigenetics is to provide an unprecedented forum where epigenetic mechanisms and their role in diverse biological processes can be revealed, shared, and discussed.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 42K Read Now Get Email Contact
32. Genes and Environment
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Genes and Environment is open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to accelerate communications among global scientists working in the field of genes and the environment. The journal publishes articles across a broad range of topics including environmental mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, health and biological sciences, environmental genomics and epigenetics, molecular epidemiology, genetic toxicology, and regulatory sciences.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 2.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
33. Trends in Genetics
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Trends in Genetics was launched in 1985 and quickly became a must-read journal for geneticists, known for its concise, accessible articles on a range of topics from developmental biology to evolution. This tradition continues today, and TiG remains a favorite in the community for its distinctive content. As the field has changed, though, so too has the scope of the journal, which now encompasses new areas, such as genomics, epigenetics, and computational genetics, while continuing to cover traditional subjects like transcriptional regulation, population genetics, and chromosome biology.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 4.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
34. Psychiatric Genetics
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Psychiatric Genetics is also a forum for reporting new approaches to genetic research in psychiatry and neurology utilizing novel techniques or methodologies. Psychiatric Genetics publishes original Research Reports dealing with inherited factors involved in psychiatric and neurological disorders. This encompasses gene localization and chromosome markers, changes in neuronal gene expression related to psychiatric disease, linkage genetics analyses, family, twin, and adoption studies, and genetically based animal models of neuropsychiatric disease.MORE Facebook Followers 32.9KTwitter Followers 380 Read Now Get Email Contact
35. Genesis: The Journal of Genetics and Development
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Genesis: The Journal of Genetics and Development presents reviews, full research articles, short research letters, and state-of-the-art technology reports that promote an understanding of the function of genes and the roles they play in complex developmental processes.MORE Twitter Followers 2.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
36. Journal of Human Genetics
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Nature is the world's foremost international weekly scientific journal and is the flagship journal for Nature Research. Journal of Human Genetics publishes original articles and reviews on all aspects of human genetics, including medical genetics and genomics.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 157.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
37. Epigenetics & Chromatin
Publication https://epigeneticsandchromatin.biomedcentral.. + Follow
Epigenetics & Chromatin is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes research, and reviews, providing novel insights into epigenetic inheritance and chromatin-based interactions. The journal aims to understand how gene and chromosomal elements are regulated and their activities maintained during processes such as cell division, differentiation, and environmental alteration.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
38. Heredity
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Heredity is the official journal of the Genetics Society Profits generated from the journal go back to the research community in terms of small grants and support for conferences and workshops. Heredity specifically supports fieldwork grants for genetics-related research; we encourage award recipients to submit resulting publications to Heredity.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 157.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
39. SpringerOpen » Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
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Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics (EJMHG) is open access, peer-reviewed journal with a focus on reporting innovations within the field of human and medical genetics. The journal considers articles on all aspects of the genetic basis of human disease, with a particular emphasis on biochemical genetics, biological studies of enzymes and other protein deficiencies, as well as immunogenetics.MORE Facebook Followers 22.1KTwitter Followers 12 Read Now Get Email Contact
40. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics
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Seminars in Medical Genetics, Part C of the American Journal of Medical Genetics (AJMG), serves as both an educational resource and review forum, providing critical, in-depth retrospectives for students, practitioners, and associated professionals working in fields of human and medical genetics.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
41. Physiological Genomics
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Physiological Genomics publishes original papers, reviews, and rapid reports in a wide area of research focused on uncovering the links between genes and physiology at all levels of biological organization. Articles on topics ranging from single genes to the whole genome and their links to the physiology of humans, any model organism, organ, tissue or cell are welcome. Areas of interest include complex polygenic traits preferably of importance to human health and gene-function relationships of disease processes.MORE Facebook Followers 14.9KTwitter Followers 607 Read Now Get Email Contact
42. Human Genomics
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Human Genomics is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that focuses on the application of genomic analysis in all aspects of human health and disease, as well as genomic analysis of drug efficacy and safety, and comparative genomics.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
43. Genetics
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GENETICS is published by the Genetics Society of America, a scholarly society that seeks to deepen our understanding of the living world by advancing our understanding of genetics. Since 1916, GENETICS has published high-quality, original research presenting novel findings bearing on genetics and genomics. The journal publishes empirical studies of organisms ranging from microbes to humans, as well as theoretical work.MORE Facebook Followers 20.9KTwitter Followers 27.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
44. Egyptian Journal of Genetics And Cytology
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The Egyptian Journal of Genetics & Cytology has been publishing papers from a broad spectrum of genetics, cytology, cell biology, and biotechnology. In the field of cell biology and cytology, the following topics are included: cell structure and functions, organization and reproduction of cell structures, functions of normal and pathological cells, use of in vitro culture. In the field of genetics and biotechnology, our scope includes molecular genetics, cell structure, and functions, the genetic basis of breeding, medical genetics, genetic engineering.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
45. Cancer Gene Therapy
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Cancer Gene Therapy is the essential gene and cellular therapy resource for cancer researchers and clinicians, keeping readers up to date with the latest developments in gene and cellular therapies for cancer. The journal publishes original laboratory and clinical research papers, case reports, and review articles.MORE Twitter Followers 2.6M Read Now Get Email Contact
46. BioMed Central » Genes & Nutrition
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Genes & Nutrition is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-review journal for research on the relationship between nutrition and genomes, with the ultimate goal of improving human health and performance. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, opinion pieces, study design papers, and special articles in the format of interviews.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
47. Neurology® Genetics » Neurology Genetics
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Neurology Genetics provides neurologists and clinical research scientists with outstanding peer-reviewed articles, editorials, and reviews to elucidate the role of genetic and epigenetic variations in diseases and biological traits of the central and peripheral nervous systems.MORE Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 91.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
48. Genes and Immunity
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Genes & Immunity emphasizes studies investigating how genetic, genomic and functional variations affect immune cells and the immune system, and associated processes in the regulation of health and disease. It further highlights articles on the transcriptional and posttranslational control of gene products involved in signaling pathways regulating immune cells, and protective and destructive immune responses.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 157.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
49. Case Reports in Genetics
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Case Reports in Genetics publishes case reports and case series focusing on diseases caused by hereditary predisposition or genetic variation in individuals and families.
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50. DNA Research
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DNA Research is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aims at publishing papers of the highest quality in broad aspects of DNA and genome-related research. Emphasis will be made on the following subjects: 1) Sequencing and characterization of genomes/important genomic regions, 2) Comprehensive analysis of the functions of genes, gene families, and genomes, 3) Techniques and equipment useful for structural and functional analysis of genes, gene families and genomes.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 113.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
51. International Journal of Genomics
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International Journal of Genomics publishes papers in all areas of genome-scale analysis, including bioinformatics, clinical and disease genomics, epigenomics, evolutionary and functional genomics, genome engineering, and synthetic genomics.MORE Facebook Followers 10K Read Now Get Email Contact
52. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
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An international open-access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Published since 1965. The journal is administered by an international Editorial Board.MORE Facebook Followers 95 Read Now Get Email Contact
53. Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics
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The Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics (JTGG) is an open access international journal promoting the translation of basic research into clinical practice. The aim of the journal is to publish high-quality, original, peer-reviewed research articles of discoveries in the area of genetics and genomics. Coverage extends, but not limited to, the basic and clinical studies related to human genetics including molecular and clinical genetics, etc.MORE Twitter Followers 491 Read Now Get Email Contact
54. Human Molecular Genetics
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HMG is committed to the communication of high-quality studies related to human molecular genetic disease mechanisms from the analysis of mutated genes and disease susceptibility through to therapeutics.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 113.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
55. Springer » Journal of Genetics
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This is the oldest English language journal in genetics. Founded by W. Bateson and R. C. Punnett in 1910, the Journal of Genetics was later edited by J. B. S. The journal retains its traditional interest in evolutionary research that is of relevance to geneticists, even if not explicitly genetic in nature.MORE Twitter Followers 80.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
56. Genes & Development
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Genes & Development publishes high-quality research papers of broad general interest and biological significance in the areas of molecular biology, molecular genetics, and related fields. In addition to Review Articles and Perspectives, Genes & Development publishes three research formats Research papers, short Research Communications, and Resource/Methodology papers.MORE Twitter Followers 8.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
57. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
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The Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics publishes cellular, molecular, genetic, and epigenetic discoveries advancing our understanding of the biology and underlying mechanisms from gametogenesis to offspring health. Special emphasis is placed on the practice and evolution of assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) with reference to the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting fertility.MORE Twitter Followers 80.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
58. Current Genomics
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Current Genomics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides essential reading for academic, clinical, government, and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments in genome science and systems modeling.MORE Facebook Followers 106Twitter Followers 100 Read Now Get Email Contact
59. Genetics Research
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Genetics Research is a fully open access journal providing a key forum for original research on all aspects of human and animal genetics, reporting key findings on genomes, genes, mutations, and molecular interactions, extending out to developmental, evolutionary, and population genetics as well as ethical, legal and social aspects. Our aim is to lead to a better understanding of genetic processes in health and disease.MORE Facebook Followers 17KTwitter Followers 77 Read Now Get Email Contact
60. International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology
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The International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology (IJGMB) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. The journal commenced publication in April 2009. IJGMB provides comprehensive and broad coverage in all areas of genetics and molecular biology pertaining to plants, animals, microorganisms, and humans.MORE Twitter Followers 23.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
61. SAGE Publications » Epigenetics Insights
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Epigenetics Insights is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of epigenetics, including technical and ethical issues. Epigenetics Insights aims to offer a channel for the presentation and discussion of the role of epigenetics processes in all areas of biology. SAGE Publications is your gateway to world-class research journals.MORE Facebook Followers 517Twitter Followers 291 Read Now Get Email Contact
62. Current Protocols in Human Genetics
Publication https://currentprotocols.onlinelibrary.wiley... + Follow
Current Protocols in Human Genetics provides practical methods and analytical techniques for the design, execution, and analysis of experiments across multiple aspects of human genetics, including genome-wide analysis, cancer genetics, epigenetics, high-throughput screening, and more.MORE Twitter Followers 54 Read Now Get Email Contact
63. Journal of Genetics and Genomics Articles
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The Journal of Genetics and Genomics (JGG, formerly known as Acta Genetica Sinica ) is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed articles of novel and significant discoveries in the fields of genetics and genomics.MORE Facebook Followers 330.6KTwitter Followers 118.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
64. Genetics and Molecular Biology
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Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology is an international, Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality articles on the latest advancements and current research in the field of genetics and molecular biology. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology provides an Open Access platform for young scholars, researchers, and students engaged in active research in genetics and molecular biology fields.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
65. Genetics and Molecular Research
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Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR), maintained by the Research Foundation of Ribeirão Preto, publishes high quality research in genetics and molecular biology. GMR reflects the full breadth and interdisciplinary nature of this research by publishing outstanding original contributions in all areas of biology.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 45 Read Now Get Email Contact
66. Genes and Diseases
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Genes & Diseases is an international journal for molecular and translational medicine. The journal primarily focuses on publishing investigations on the molecular bases and experimental therapeutics of human diseases.MORE Facebook Followers 330.6KTwitter Followers 118.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
67. Gene: X
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Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function, and evolution of genes in all biological contexts, including all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, as well as viruses.MORE Facebook Followers 330.6KTwitter Followers 118.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
68. Journal of Genetics and Genomes
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Journal of Genetics and Genomes publishes peer-reviewed research work on the discoveries and current developments in the field of Genetics relating to all the domains of life, from humans to plants to livestock and other model organisms, headed by the pre-eminent Editorial Board to ensure article quality and to provide unbiased and efficient publishing process.MORE Facebook Followers 84Twitter Followers 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
69. Journal of Genetics Study
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Journal of Genetics Study is an Open Access (Gold OA), peer-reviewed, international online publishing journal, which aims to publish premier papers on all the related areas of advanced research carried on in its field. Journal of Genetic Study (JGS) strives to upgrade research from all prospects of biology, medicine, and human genetics deals with heredity and genetic variation in all living organisms. The scope of the journal includes the behavior of an organism or cell, distribution of genes among all populations, and significant developments in the field of genetics.MORE Facebook Followers 31Twitter Followers 46 Read Now Get Email Contact