Top 20 Cell Biology Journals
Cell Biology Journals
Here are 20 Best Cell Biology Journals you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
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Publishes the most significant and original observations in the area of respiratory and lung cell biology, including cellular, biochemical, molecular, developmental, genetic, and immunologic studies in health and in acute and chronic disorders related to the respiratory system and sleep.MORE Facebook Followers 116.4KTwitter Followers 41.7K Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. American Society for Cell Biology
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Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) is an online journal published twice monthly and owned by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). MBoC publishes research articles that present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance within all areas of cell, molecular, and developmental biology.MORE Facebook Followers 22.3KTwitter Followers 33.5K Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Molecular and Cellular Biology
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Molecular and Cellular Biology seeks technically rigorous, mechanistic studies that provide significant advances in the areas of gene expression and genome organization, cellular morphology and function, molecular metabolism, cellular trafficking, and signal transduction. The journal is also interested in studies that investigate molecular, cellular, and systemic host responses to pathogenic agents in chronic diseases and conditions.MORE Facebook Followers 398.5KTwitter Followers 59 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Nature Cell Biology
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Nature Cell Biology publishes research of the highest quality across all areas of cell biology, encouraging studies that shed light on the mechanisms underlying fundamental cell biological processes in physiology and disease.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 157.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Journal of Cell Biology
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Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) publishes advances in any area of basic cell biology as well as applied cellular advances in fields such as immunology, neurobiology, metabolism, microbiology, developmental biology, and plant biology.MORE Facebook Followers 275.5KTwitter Followers 44KInstagram Followers 3.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
6. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology
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BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, formerly known as BMC Cell Biology, is an open-access journal that considers articles on all aspects of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell and molecular biology, including structural and functional cell biology, DNA and RNA in a cellular context and biochemistry, as well as research using both the experimental and theoretical aspects of physics to study biological processes and investigations into the structure of biological macromolecules.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Biochemistry and Cell Biology
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Published since 1929, this bimonthly journal explores general biochemistry and includes up-to-date coverage of experimental research into cellular and molecular biology in eukaryotes, as well as review articles on topics of current interest and notes, contributed by recognized international experts. The journal does not publish papers on the expression pattern and impact of microRNAs and non-coding RNAs in disease states. Special issues each year are dedicated to expanding new areas of research in biochemistry and cell biology.MORE Facebook Followers 6.1KTwitter Followers 8.5K Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
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A peer-reviewed monthly reviews journal that publishes cutting-edge authoritative and accessible reviews in the fields of molecular and cell biology.
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9. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
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Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters is an international journal dedicated to the dissemination of fundamental knowledge in all areas of cellular and molecular biology, cancer cell biology, and certain aspects of biochemistry, biophysics, and biotechnology.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 336 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Annual Reviews: Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
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The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, in publication since 1985, covers the most significant developments in the field of cell and developmental biology, including structure, function, and organization of the cell, development, and evolution of the cell as it relates to single and multicellular organisms, and models and tools of molecular biology.MORE Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 12.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Cell Biology International
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Each month, the journal publishes easy-to-assimilate, up-to-the-minute reports of experimental findings by researchers using a wide range of the latest techniques. Promoting the aims of cell biologists worldwide, papers reporting on structure and function - especially where they relate to the physiology of the whole-cell - are strongly encouraged. Molecular biology is welcome, as long as articles report findings that are seen in the wider context of cell biology. In covering all areas of the cell, the journal is both appealing and accessible to a broad audience.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
12. International Journal of Cell Biology
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International Journal of Cell Biology is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of cell biology.
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13. Journal of Cell Science
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Journal of Cell Science is an international peer-reviewed journal in the field of cell biology that is published by The Company of Biologists, a not-for-profit charitable organization run by biologists for the benefit of the biological community. The journal is committed to publishing the full range of topics in cell biology, and the single most important criterion for acceptance is scientific excellence.MORE Facebook Followers 3.4KTwitter Followers 19.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
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The Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (JMCB ) is a fully open access, peer-reviewed online journal interested in interdisciplinary studies at the cross-sections between molecular and cell biology as well as other disciplines of life sciences. The broad scope of JMCB reflects the merging of these life science disciplines such as stem cell research, signaling, genetics, epigenetics, genomics, development, immunology, cancer biology, molecular pathogenesis, neuroscience, and systems biology.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 49.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism
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Cell Biology deals with the fascinating world of biology which covers almost all aspects of the structure of Cell. Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism is a scientific open access journal that deals with the on-going research on Cell Structure and its metabolism. The study of Cell Biology includes fundamental research on Cell Anatomy, Cell Structure, Neurocellular Biology, Cell Therapy, Cell transplantation, Stem Cell Biology, and Membrane Biology.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Edorium Journal of Cell Biology
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Edorium Journal of Cell Biology is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, publishing high-quality original articles on all aspects of cell biology. The scope of the Edorium Journal of Cell Biology covers research in cellular structure and function, including immunology, neurobiology, microbiology, developmental biology, and systems biology, bioinformatics, nanobiology, synthetic biology, cellular and biochemical studies of cells, cell organelles, molecular pathways, and metabolism.MORE Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 405 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Journal of Cell Biology & Cell Metabolism
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Journal of Cell Biology and Cell Metabolism with the ISSN: 2381-1943, is an international peer-reviewed open-access online journal that focuses to unravel fundamental and advanced aspects of the cell. Researchers foster new and creative ideas to help resolve cell biological aspects which bring forth several breakthroughs. This journal publishes articles that aid the researchers who quest for knowledge to gain more information on cell biology and cell metabolism.MORE Twitter Followers 118 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Protein & Cell
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Protein & Cell publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries concerning the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas in biology and biomedicine, with an emphasis on protein and cell research. Subject areas include biochemistry/biophysics, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, neuroscience, oncology, protein science, structural biology, and translational medicine.MORE Facebook Followers 22.1KTwitter Followers 40 Read Now Get Email Contact