Top 30 Biomedical Journals
Biomedical Journals
Here are 30 Best Biomedical Journals you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
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Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Biomedical Engineering (JBBBE), before 2014 known as Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering is a multidisciplinary journal. Its scope covers the fields of Biocompatible Materials, Biomedical Engineering, Biomimetics.MORE Twitter Followers 581 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
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The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language publication of original contributions concerning studies of the preparation, performance, and evaluation of biomaterials; the chemical, physical, toxicological, and mechanical behavior of materials in physiological environments; and the response of blood and tissues to biomaterials.MORE Twitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research -- Part B: Applied Biomaterials is a highly interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of biomaterials professionals who design, develop, produce and apply biomaterials and medical devices. It has the common focus of biomaterials applied to the human body and covers all disciplines where medical devices are used. Papers are published on biomaterials related to medical device development and manufacture, degradation in the body, nano- and biomimetic- biomaterials interactions, mechanics of biomaterials, etc.MORE Facebook Followers 52.6KTwitter Followers 20.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
4. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies
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International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies (IJMBS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal dedicated to the rapid publication of full-length original research papers, short communications, invited reviews, Case studies, and editorial commentary and news, Opinions & Perspectives and Book Reviews written at the invitation of the Editor in all areas of the Medical and Biomedical Studies. MORE Twitter Followers 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Nature Biomedical Engineering
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Nature Biomedical Engineering aspires to become the most prominent publishing venue in biomedical engineering by bringing together the most important advances in the discipline, enhancing their visibility by means of opinion and news articles, and providing overviews of the state of the art in each field through topic-, disease- or technology-focused review articles.MORE Facebook Followers 748.2KTwitter Followers 2.6M Read Now Get Email Contact
6. The Journal of Biomedical Research
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Journal of Biomedical Research is a peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the biological and medical sciences.
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7. Porto Biomedical Journal
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Porto Biomedical Journal (PBJ) is an online free-to-submit and open-access journal devoted to the publication of top-quality original research conducted in the biomedical fields, especially within the clinical and basic medical settings. The project aims to provide a valuable collection of generalist biomedical literature freely accessible to the international community, in order to become a reference in the current scientific landscape.MORE Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Biomedical Papers
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Biomedical Papers is a journal of Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Olomouc, Czech Republic. It includes reviews and original articles reporting on basic and clinical research in medicine. Biomedical Papers is published as one volume per year in four issues.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
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Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ) is an international, peer-reviewed quarterly research journal. The journal seeks to promote research, exchange of scientific information, consideration of regulatory mechanisms that affect drug development and utilization, and medical education in the challenging and evolving pharmaceutical and biomedical fields.MORE Facebook Followers 950Twitter Followers 233 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. BMC » Journal of Biomedical Science
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Journal of Biomedical Science is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences, and emphasizes providing molecular studies of biomedical problems and molecular mechanisms. The journal is supported by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, which covers the cost of publication of the article.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Biomedical Research and Therapy - The Vietnamese Journal of Biomedicine
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Biomedical Research and Therapy - The Vietnamese Journal of Biomedicine fully open-access journal of original research across a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines and sub-specialties. An international peer-reviewed journal, it publishes high-quality open access research articles with a special emphasis on basic, translational, and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies, including animal models and clinical trials.MORE Twitter Followers 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal
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EMBJ publishes original articles on medicine, biomedicine, biotechnology, motor sciences, medical psychology, and general interest topics in medicine.
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13. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology: Table of Co
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IJBET addresses cutting-edge research in the multi-disciplinary area of biomedical engineering and technology. Medical science incorporates scientific/technological advances combining to produce more accurate diagnoses, effective treatments with fewer side effects, and improved ability to prevent disease and provide superior-quality healthcare.MORE Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 4.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
14. African Journal of Biomedical Research
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The African Journal of Biomedical Research was founded in 1998 as a joint project between a private communications outfit (Laytal Communications) and members of the Ivory tower. Later, the need to expand the horizon of the journal led to the formation of a group (Biomedical Communications Group, Ibadan, Nigeria) which is aimed at being registered in the future as a non-governmental organization involved in the promotion of scientific proceedings and publications in developing countries.MORE Twitter Followers 1.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Journal of Biomedical Optics
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The Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed papers on the use of novel optical systems and techniques for improved health care and biomedical research.MORE Facebook Followers 14.6KTwitter Followers 16.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Advanced Biomedical Engineering
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Advanced Biomedical Engineering (ABE) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal covering all topics in biomedical engineering. The official journal of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE), ABE aims to be a vital forum for readers and authors worldwide.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Biomedical Reports
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Biomedical Reports, founded in 2013, is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to publishing research across all fields of biology and medicine, including pharmacology, pathology, gene therapy, genetics, microbiology, neurosciences, infectious diseases, molecular cardiology, and molecular surgery. The Journal provides a home for original research, case reports, and review articles and is now abstracted in Scopus (Elsevier) Dec 2017.MORE Facebook Followers 10.8KTwitter Followers 347 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Biomedgrid | American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research
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American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research provides a unique platform where you can share the original research in supporting the advancement of Science, Technology, Engineering & Medicine, and biomedical sciences journalsMORE Twitter Followers 53 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
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Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) is a multidisciplinary, scholarly Open Access publisher focused on Genetic, Biomedical, and Remedial missions in relation to Technical Knowledge as well. Our BJSTR maintains a scrupulous, methodical, fair peer review System. Besides, quality control is riveted in each step of the publication process.MORE Twitter Followers 468 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
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J-BHI publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences, and biomedicine.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4MTwitter Followers 237.3K Read Now Get Email Contact
21. British Journal of Biomedical Science
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The British Journal of Biomedical Science is committed to publishing high-quality original research that represents a clear advance in the practice of biomedical science, and reviews that summarise recent advances in the field of biomedical science. The overall aim of the Journal is to provide a platform for the dissemination of new and innovative information on the diagnosis and management of the disease that is valuable to practicing laboratory scientists.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 42K Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU
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Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU, a publication of KLE University, is a peer-reviewed online journal with 3 Issues print on demand compilation of issues published.MORE Facebook Followers 4.9KInstagram Followers 2.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
23. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences
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As an open access, open peer-reviewed general medical and Biomedical journal, JMBAS publish outstanding and influential research in all areas of clinical practice, translational medicine, medical and health advances, public health, global health, policy, and general topics of interest to the biomedical and sociomedical professional communities. We also publish stimulating debates and reviews as well as unique forum articles and concise tutorials.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
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Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that covers topics in biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, systems biology, and computational biology, in particular papers using computational methods to address complex problems in today's medicine and biology. The journal aims to provide a forum to bridge experimental research and mathematical modeling. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).MORE Facebook Followers 15.2KTwitter Followers 13.1KInstagram Followers 5.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Biomedical Research Journal
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Biomedical Research Journal, a publication of NMIMS (Deemed to be) University Sunandan Divatia School of Science, is a peer-reviewed print online Semiannual journal. The goal is to share new discoveries and translational knowledge with scientists, academicians, clinicians, and students in the field of Biomedical and Biological/Chemical/ Biotechnology/Stem Cell Biology/Cancer Biology in the realm of basic and applied aspects in the different areas.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
26. International Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research
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International Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Research provides an outlet for research scientists in areas of Health Sciences. IJCBR is open access, online & print, peer-reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide research and applications related to all the health sciences: All branches of Biomedical Sciences, Biology,Dentistry, Medical Education, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and Nursing.MORE Facebook Followers 4.2KTwitter Followers 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
27. The Indonesian Biomedical Journal
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The Indonesian Biomedical Journal (lnaBJ) is open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences, emphasizing providing the molecular studies of biomedical problems and molecular mechanisms. lnaBJ is dedicated to publishing original research and review articles covering all aspects of biomedical sciences.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
28. Biomedical Journal
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Biomedical Journal publishes 6 peer-reviewed issues per year in all fields of clinical and biomedical sciences for internationally diverse authorship.
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29. The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal
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The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal that publishes original research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters, and guest-edited single topic issues in all areas of biomedical engineering. The journal focuses on the original high-quality multidisciplinary research in the field of biosystems, including biomedical modeling; cell and tissue engineering for repair medicine; bio measurements, biosignal processing, and biosensing systems; artificial and bioartificial organs; biomaterials; biomechanics and rehabilitation, etc.MORE Read Now Get Email Contact
30. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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The journal publishes scholarly articles on the systems, policies, and practices that promote research and innovations in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
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