Top 30 AIDS Journals
AIDS Journals
Here are 30 Best AIDS Journals you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. HTB
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Reports on important advances in the clinical management of HIV and access to treatment. Published every two months.
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2. Dovepress » HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care
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An international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on advances in research in HIV, its clinical progression, and management options including antiviral treatment, palliative care, and public healthcare policies to control viral spread. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).MORE Facebook Followers 17.1KTwitter Followers 3.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
3. The Lancet HIV
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The Lancet HIV launched in autumn 2014, joining the growing collection of Lancet specialty journals. As an exclusively online journal, this monthly title is dedicated to publishing original research, evidence-based reviews, and insightful features that advocate for change in or illuminates HIV clinical practice.MORE Facebook Followers 360.2KTwitter Followers 739.4K Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS)
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The Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) is a peer-reviewed and Open Access journal for the generation and dissemination of evidence from a wide range of disciplines: basic and biomedical sciences; behavioral sciences; epidemiology; clinical sciences; health economics and health policy; operations research and implementation sciences; and social sciences and humanities.MORE Facebook Followers 19.7KTwitter Followers 3.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
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The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is a medical journal focused on HIV and/or AIDS treatment, prevention, and related topics relevant to clinical and public health practice. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate original research results and to support high-level learning related to HIV Medicine. It publishes original research articles, editorials, case reports/case series, reviews of state-of-the-art clinical practice, and correspondence.MORE Facebook Followers 3.8KTwitter Followers 1.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
6. AIDS Education and Prevention:
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Presenting state-of-the-art research and information, AIDS Education and Prevention integrates public health, psychosocial, sociocultural, and public policy perspectives on issues of key concern nationally and globally.MORE Facebook Followers 4.9KTwitter Followers 1.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Retrovirology
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Retrovirology is open access, online journal that publishes stringently peer-reviewed, high-impact articles on host-pathogen interactions, fundamental mechanisms of replication, immune defenses, animal models, and clinical science relating to retroviruses. Retroviruses are pleiotropically found in animals. Well-described examples include avian, murine, and primate retroviruses. Two human retroviruses are especially important pathogens.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
8. AIDS Research and Therapy
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AIDS Research and Therapy publishes articles on basic science, translational, clinical, social, epidemiological, behavioral, and educational sciences articles focused on the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, and the search for the cure. The Journal publishes articles on novel and developing treatment strategies for AIDS as well as on the outcomes of established treatment strategies. Original research articles on animal models that form an essential part of the AIDS treatment research are also considered.MORE Facebook Followers 98.1KTwitter Followers 76.2K Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research
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The Journal of AIDS and HIV Research (JAHR) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal welcomes manuscripts that focus on the improvements in the knowledge of HIV/AIDS treatment, its clinical advancements, development in antiretroviral therapies, gene expression, HIV vaccines and drugs development, virus pathogenesis and replication, opportunistic infections, and related diseases. Manuscripts focusing on the social issues relating to HIV/AIDS and alternative disease management approaches are also welcomed.MORE Facebook Followers 521 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. IAVI Report
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IAVI Report is a scientific publication that provides comprehensive and editorially independent coverage of HIV vaccine and prevention research, as well as the quest to develop vaccines and other preventive technologies to address other global health priorities. The publication features the voices and opinions of those leading these efforts and provides an unparalleled analysis of the latest scientific and policy research.MORE Facebook Followers 20.9KTwitter Followers 26.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
11. AIDS Research and Treatment
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AIDS Research and Treatment publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies focused on all aspects of HIV and AIDS, from the molecular basis of the disease to translational and clinical research, prevention, and education.MORE Facebook Followers 10K Read Now Get Email Contact
12. African Journal of AIDS Research
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African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) is a peer-reviewed research journal publishing papers that make an original contribution to the understanding of social dimensions of HIV/AIDS in African contexts. AJAR includes articles from, amongst others, the disciplines of sociology, demography, epidemiology, social geography, economics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, health communication, media, cultural studies, public health, education, nursing science, and social work.MORE Facebook Followers 10.6K Read Now Get Email Contact
13. AIDS and Behavior
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AIDS and Behavior provides an international venue for the scientific exchange of research and scholarly work on the contributing factors, prevention, consequences, social impact, and response to HIV/AIDS. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers addressing all areas of AIDS behavioral research including individual, contextual, social, economic, and geographic factors that facilitate HIV transmission; interventions aimed to reduce HIV transmission risks at all levels and in all contexts; mental health aspects of HIV/AIDS; medical and behavioral consequences of HIV infection.MORE Twitter Followers 80.8K Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Journal of HIV and AIDS Research
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HIV infection remains incurable even today. Until a vaccine or effective cure is found, the greatest deterrent against HIV is the knowledge generated from systematic research. Several countries lack basic data sources to help researchers, non-governmental organizations (NGO) workers, and policy implementers. In this context, the Journal of HIV and AIDS Research draws the attention of the readers to the latest developments in HIV research focused on prevention, treatment, and cure.MORE Twitter Followers 1.5K Read Now Get Email Contact
15. International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS (IJMA)
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The International Journal of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and AIDS (IJMA) is a United States-based multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, global health, open-access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, clinical studies, evaluation studies, policy analyses, and commentaries/opinions in all areas of maternal, infant, child health, (MCH) and HIV/AIDS in low and middle-income countries, and in populations that are experiencing health disparities (i.e. inequalities) around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 946Twitter Followers 53 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Frontiers Journals | HIV and AIDS
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HIV and AIDS want to publish articles that deal with: the pathogenesis of HIV and SIV infection and those that deal with the molecular origins of its immune activation and regulation; genetics of HIV acquisition and disease; HIV immunity and development of prophylactic vaccines; origins and pathology of HIV associated non-AIDS diseases (for instance CVD and neuropathology in patients on cART and their potential for immunotherapy; HIV eradication therapy, behavioral, social and structural factors that affect HIV risk and prevention.MORE Facebook Followers 161.7KTwitter Followers 94.2KInstagram Followers 32.7K Read Now Get Email Contact
17. HIV: Current Research
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HIV: Current Research is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that will provide a quick review process for the most exciting articles on HIV. It basically aimed to publish all article types from medical and clinical practitioners, professionals, researchers, professional bodies, institutions, students, etc.MORE Facebook Followers 968 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research
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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to address the social, economic, and medical aspects of HIV/AIDS infection from the inception of virus transmission through therapy, cure, awareness, and advancements in the medical technologies for the effective management of HIVAIDS.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1K Read Now Get Email Contact
19. The Open AIDS Journal
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The Open AIDS Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes peer-reviewed research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, and letters in the diverse field of HIV/AIDS. The journal covers recent studies on experimental, clinical, translational, social, epidemiological, and behavioral aspects, along with therapeutics, pathogenesis, vaccines, drug resistance, prevention of HIV/AIDS, and search for diagnostics, cure, and virology of HIV/AIDS. Original articles on animal models for AIDS treatment research are also included.MORE Twitter Followers 502 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. AIDS Care
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AIDS Care is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes HIV/AIDS research into the prevention of infection and psychosocial aspects of care and treatment.
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21. Sage » International Journal of STD & AIDS
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This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for investigating and treating sexually transmissible infections, HIV and AIDS. Contributors from around the world promote activities aimed at research, prevention, and control of these infections. The journal contains original research, in-depth reviews, short papers, case reports, audits, and CPD papers.MORE Facebook Followers 15.2KTwitter Followers 13.1KInstagram Followers 5.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
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Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that focuses on original research, reviews, case studies, and clinical perspectives on the treatment of AIDS around the globe.MORE Twitter Followers 91 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
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Publishes research on HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa to guide evidence-based policy on prevention, treatment, care, support, behavior, and health communication.
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24. Taylor & Francis Online » Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services
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The Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services provides a forum in which social workers and other professionals in the field of HIV/AIDS work can access the latest research and techniques in order to provide effective social, educational, and clinical services to all individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. From best practices and advice on case management to evaluations of the impact of various legislation and social policy decisions, this journal will keep you at the forefront of the field.MORE Facebook Followers 53.3KTwitter Followers 42K Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research
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Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research is open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publishing articles in all areas of research in HIV/AIDS. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for researchers and other health professionals to find the most recent advances in the areas of HIV/AIDS research and treatment.MORE Twitter Followers 999 Read Now Get Email Contact
26. SAARC Journal of TB, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS
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The SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases, and HIV/AIDS is a peer-reviewed official Journal of SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC). The Journal is being published since 2004. It publishes research articles related to the various aspects of tuberculosis, lung diseases, and HIV/AIDS around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 577 Read Now Get Email Contact
27. Journal of HIV & Retro Virus
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Journal of HIV & Retro virus is an open access peer reviewed journal that covers the prevention and treatment techniques of HIV. Mainly focusing on testing, infection, diagnosis, transmission, replication, vaccine research, risk analysis, Case studies of HIV, sexually transmitted infections, HIV therapies.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9K Read Now Get Email Contact
28. Mathews Journal of HIV/AIDS
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Mathews Journal of HIV/AIDS (MJHA; ISSN 2474-6916) is an open-access journal that publishes original research on the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS; structure and genome of HIV and subtypes of HIV; diagnosis of HIV/AIDS; classifications of HIV infections, HIV disease progression; management of HIV/AIDS; prevention of HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS denialism; HIV drug resistance; HIV superinfections; and super AIDS.MORE Facebook Followers 155 Read Now Get Email Contact